




几乎与此同时,中国人不仅已经喝上了啤酒,甚至在中国已经有了最早的酿酒厂。按现在常见的说法,中国第一家啤酒厂是俄商于1900年在哈尔滨建立的乌卢布列夫斯基啤酒厂(也就是今天的哈啤)。但这一说法其实并不确切。早在三十多年前的1865年(同治四年),英商埃凡(Henry Evans)就在上海租界建立了中国最早的啤酒厂 Empire Brewery(厌拜巴了华利)。1868年2月12日出版的《伦敦中国电讯报》[2] 曾报道过埃凡的啤酒厂:

We are glad to find that the first brew, this year, at the Empire Brewery, has been fortunate. The establishment of a brewery at Shanghai was a plucky experiment, and deserves success. Last year, Mr. Evans was unlucky in commencing to brew too soon, and a long spell of hot weather spoiled nearly the whole of the first batch of beer. This year, he deferred operations till later in the season, and has succeeded in turning out a very pleasant fresh ale.

1886年,埃凡退休后将酿酒厂盘给了英商福利公司(Hall & Holtz Ltd.)。此后福利公司扩大了产量,还将其啤酒销往香港等口岸。这可以参见1893年出版的《上海五十年》(The Jubilee of Shanghai, 1843-1893[3]中的记载:

The former of these (brewing industry) was started many years ago by Mr. H. Evans, and on his retirement the business was taken over by the Hall & Holtz Co-operative Co., Limited, who largely increased it and exported the beer to Hongkong and other ports in considerable quantities. The concern has lately passed into fresh hands and its prospects are good, as the demand for good beer is very large.

既然在19世纪中叶中国就已经有了啤酒厂,中国人第一次喝啤酒应该就更早了。虽然我前面也说了,准确的考证几乎是不可能的,但现有的记载表明,至少早在19世纪30年代初中国人已经与啤酒有了接触。美国「番鬼」亨特(William C. Hunter)在19世纪20年代便到了广州的美国夷馆工作,那时他才十多岁的年纪。他在晚年出版了《广州番鬼录》与《旧中国杂记》两本书介绍当年在中国的见闻,曾提到1831年(道光十一年)与中国友人的一次聚餐。餐后,中国友人在给朋友的信中记下了当时他对啤酒这种外来酒精饮料的观感(这里是亨特对该信的翻译):

... This is called Che-Sze, and is accompanied by the drinking of a muddy red fluid which foams up over the tops of the drinking cups, soils one's clothes, and is named Pe-Urh, think of that!

  1. 可参见此知乎回答

  2. The London and China Telegraph Feb 12, 1868.

  3. The Jubilee of Shanghai, 1843-1893